Press Kit

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Lacey McCormick
Senior Communications Manager
(512) 610-7765

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These photos have been collected as a courtesy. Please verify permissions with the copyright holder.

Skimming oil in the Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Credit: NOAA

Oiled Juvenile Kemp’s ridley near the wellhead. Credit: Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Blair Witherington

A Kemp’s ridely sea turtle crawls back to the Gulf after laying a nest. Credit: National Park Service.

Bryde’s whale. Credit: Wayne Hoggard, NOAA/NMFS/SEFSC

Brown pelicans on containment boom around Queen Bess Island. This important nesting island was restored in 2019. Credit: U.S. Coast Guard, Cory J. Mendenhall.

Dr. Cynthia Smith examines a bottlenose dolphin in Barataria Bay in 2019. Many dolphins in this area remain ill from oil exposure. Credit: CARMMHA.